Creating a just world where everyone has the right to live in dignity, free from discrimination and marginalization.

Creating a just world where everyone has the right to live in dignity, free from discrimination and marginalization.

Creating a just world where everyone has the right to live in dignity, free from discrimination and marginalization.

Creating a just world where everyone has the right to live in dignity, free from discrimination and marginalization.

Creating a just world where everyone has the right to live in dignity, free from discrimination and marginalization.
Eradicating poverty in all its forms remains our overarching priority and necessary condition for achieving sustainable development.
Our Focus
How we make progress

Transforming education
Providing access to quality learning opportunities for all, particularly those living in poverty. We unearth the boundless potentials of individuals and their communities, allowing them to pursue greater socio-economic prosperity.

Improving mental and physical health
We employ a holistic approach to health which includes emotional, psychological and social wellbeing, as well as physical health. Effective health should be both mental and physical.

Increasing employability
Developing thoughtful inclusive employment strategies to reach, integrate, and support the advancement of individuals living in poverty, creating opportunities and supporting their contributions to socioeconomic development in their communities.

Enhancing environmental sustainability
Improve the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations to reduce their exposure and vulnerabilities to climate change, and other economic, social and environmental challenges.

Empower women and girls
Enhance the potentials of women and girls who are key agents of sustainable development, economic growth and transformation. Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls is vital to building fair, inclusive, prosperous and peaceful societies everywhere.

Connecting Communities
We focus on engaging with our local communities to empower and create opportunities for poverty eradication. We share thoughts and ideas as well as change attitudes, cultures and behaviours. We promote equity, diversity and social inclusion.
We need everyone to work towards providing access to essential elements for survival and prosperity – food, shelter, education, healthcare, and economic opportunity – so that everyone can lead a healthy, dignified, and purposeful life. Let us collectively agree it’s time to end poverty now.
Our Impact

Youth Empowered

People Served

People reached online

Covid 10 Relief Supplies Distributed

I am delighted to have been presented with this opportunity to learn practical skills in photography and Filming. I am especially grateful for this as I have always had an interest in filming and directing. Whilst at college, in other to pursue my career, I applied and was offered a place at the New York Film Academy. However, due to lack of funding, I had to give up on my dream. I thank National Lottery for allowing me the opportunity to learn through Springaid practicing essential skills I need to realise a dream I once lost.
May Bunny

I like to begin by thanking Springaid for providing me with this opportunity to learn editing and filming. I graduated in 2019 and I struggled with acquiring jobs, Covid 19 came and changed the trajectory of traditional careers. It shed light the rise in technology and the boom in careers in the digital industry. I could not grab unto this new opportunity as I regarded myself as a digital illiterate. However, through training with Springaid, I am gathering knowledge daily and hope to climb on the job market upon completion. This is a huge help towards a step in my future. Thank you, National Lottery, for making this possible. Thank you Springaid for presenting the opportunity.
Nicole Ngwa

I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to partake in a unique learning experience that can hopefully reduce the disconnect I have with my children. I am a father of three, my work does not permit me to spend enough time with my family as I am constantly travelling away for work. I want to take this opportunity to learn filming, which I believe will enable me to document my travels, and hopefully create memories for my family who can see what I see and go through. I hope it will subsequently allow me to transfer the skills I have learn to my children so that they too can share the memories that I equally am missing. Distance has certainly pull us apart and having the ability to connect by understanding each other better is what I hope to achieve through this. I am aware this might not be a novel reason for participating but I have faith that it will bring about a fruitful outcome. I am grateful to the respective persons for making this wish of mine possible.
Denzel Keston