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“Extreme inequality is the defining challenge of our time, but it is not inevitable, and can be tackled. Much can be done to even it up, and make the world a fairer place.”

What We Do

We are a community-led charity that aims to equip the diaspora communities and marginalised peoples in the diverse wards of the South Leeds cluster, particularly refugees, asylum seekers and other immigrants with the tools they need to find health, safety, prosperity and opportunity to lead fulfilling and happy lives.

We apply our individual and collective years of knowledge and experience tackling practical issues that affect lives through our programmes. We support and empower these communities in education, employment and entrepreneurship, and offer a range of skills and expertise tailored towards poverty and inequality, business and entrepreneurship, health and well-being, and international development.

All our services are tailored towards delivering under one central or focal point. Our initiatives and projects work to promote social integration, equality, diversity and Inclusion. We encourage Community cohesion by promoting socio-cultural activities and events, whilst providing a wide range of cultural awareness and cultural competency workshops.

We also support human rights of disadvantaged families, with emphasis on the mental health and wellbeing, particularly of women and young girls who are mostly victims of Gender-Based Violence. We are a community-led charity which has built the reputation of successfully engaging and supporting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals within South Leeds.

Business Development & Entrepreneurship

There are many individuals and graduates roaming our towns and cities unemployed. Many of these people have business ideas that could be realized with some innovative help.

We help any of such persons with business concepts to develop them into full business plans, provide a place for internship and help them start their own businesses. We take entrepreneurship one step further by helping to encourage a culture of innovation and social entrepreneurship.

Education & Training

The simple assumption that education and training have short-term and long-term effects on life-course patterns, at least on the individual’s career and (life) wages, is generally a widely accepted phenomenon and its correctness seems to be fairly obvious. Under this premise, we take actual education and training very seriously.

We help and empower local people to understand how their skills and knowledge can be enhanced and shared to improve their wellbeing and others within their communities.

Health & Well Being

Healthy living is a combination of many things. Regular exercise, good nutrition, and a positive mental attitude all contribute to optimum health. Our work contributes to the improvement and integration of health and social care.

Good health is about the mind as well as the body – feeling physically fit, and feeling good about ourselves, means that we can go and achieve more of the things we want to do in life. Our approach is advocating for healthier lifestyles and encourage people to take action on health and nutrition through behavior change programmes.