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Join our advocacy campaigns

Are you passionate about Development? Do you care about what happens in our local communities and the international arena? Do you dream of a world without poverty, inequality and injustice? Are you interested in connecting with like-minded people to help make a difference? Are you interested in shaping policies? As global citizens, you have the right to engage in and shape the debate on how the world should be, thereby making the world a better place.

Build Awareness and Support amongst the public of the opportunities that lie before us as individuals, a nation and as a global community to transform the world we live in over the next few years.

  • For grassroots campaigners to build strong working relationships with decision makers and governments.
  • To secure commitments and take action on specific development issues.
  • To secure positive tradition media on the issues of development, and to make lots of noise through our key social media channels.

There are far too many teenagers who have little or no direction and are involved with the wrong crowds. They struggle with the build-up of emotion, anger and aggression – with no outlet. Young people are most likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol.

We advocate alternative avenues or activities for youth to engage in. One of them is boxing; it’s a non-violent sport and it teaches discipline, gives one self-esteem and a sense of achievement. Most importantly, it teaches risk and that all actions have risk attached to them. When they join such a program, they would be supervised in a safe environment.

There are far too many teenagers who have little or no direction and are involved with the wrong crowds. They struggle with the build-up of emotion, anger and aggression – with no outlet. Young people are most likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol than adults.

We advocate alternative avenues or activities for youth to engage in. one of them is boxing; it’s a non-violent sport and it teaches discipline, gives one self-esteem and a sense of achievement. Most importantly, it teaches risk and that all actions have risk attached to them. When they join such a program, they would be supervised in a safe environment.