It was great to be in Middleton Arms where our armies of climate volunteers spoke to residents about the 3 ‘R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. “Reduce is about cutting back on the amount of waste we make. Reuse is for finding a new way to use items so that we don’t have to throw them out. Recycle is using waste materials to make new products that can be sold again”. We have residents tips and handed flyers on how to greener and environmentally friendly.
The phrase Reduce, Reuse, Recycle or the three ‘R’s is often used when we talk about how to be more environmentally friendly, how to be greener, how to be ecologically sound and how to live sustainably. It’s Really simple! Reduce the amount of waste you produce. Reuse items as much as you can before replacing them. Recycle items wherever possible. Using the 3 ‘R’s helps us to minimise the amount of space needed for landfill sites, where waste materials are disposed of.
For how to be part of this very useful programme:
Call/Text/WhatsApp: +44776 5331258
Email: contact@springaid.co
Web: www.springaid.co
A HUGE thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund our official sponsors for making this happen and for the successes achieved.