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Climate Action Leeds Project!
September 2, 2023

Eventful weekend with CamYorkshire. We’re honoured to have been received by Camyorkshire Diaspo as part of our Climate Action Leeds programme. In furtherance of our work to raise awareness and drive behavioural changes on the impact of climate change amongst ethnic minority communities or communities that live in the margins or lower socio-economic spectrum, we used this opportunity to offer useful information and tips on how they could better manage their carbon footprints and save money, amidst the higher cost of living crises and energy bills. 

Areas covered included: 

1. Energy Efficiency and Climate Change: Save energy wherever possible, Switch to renewable energy sources 

2. Sustainable Transport and Climate Change: Cycling, public transport (trains, trams, electric buses), walking, fewer air trips (flights) etc. 

3. Water Management 

4. Food Sustainability – Ensuring sustainable consumption and production. 

5. General Household Waste and Environmental Protection 

We’ll like to thank the management and team of CamYorkshire for honouring our invitation to hosting us and to the Leeds Community Foundation, our official sponsors for making this happen.