Whilst vaccine uptake has increased across many groups, it still remains considerably lower amongst certain communities, especially lowest in Black and Minority Ethnic Communities adults (below 35%) and amongst adults living in the most deprived areas. The UK Health Security Agency’s (UKHSA) analysis shows that disparities in vaccine uptake are also present in younger age groups: only 39% of 18 to 24 year olds in England have received a booster dose, much lower than for older age groups.
In response, SpringAid and the NHS Rehabilitation Team took active steps in talking to residents in Beeston, SouthLeeds at the Hamara Healthy Living Centre, discussing COVID-19, Vaccines, how to live safely with coronavirus (COVID-19) and indeed Living with Long Covid. We explored vaccine safety and efficacy, vaccine hesitancy, impact on Covid-19 on mental health and how it affects children and vulnerable groups. We provided valuable useful resources and information that gave reassuring facts about the vaccine and how to adopt well living with covid, as well as boosts their confidence.