In understanding the broader context of vaccine hesitancy, our first webinar series was set out to discuss extensively the socio-economic inequity and privilege factors, historical and political ideology, as reflective of the unique UK societal context. We discussed the impacts of poverty, socio- economic inequalities and instabilities; lack or insufficient educational access and quality, health inequity – health care access and quality, unemployment, and less affluent neighbourhoods.
All these factors from these discussions showed that the social and community context on racial disparities accounted in part for vaccine hesitancy, which highlights peculiarity especially amongst people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities for being hesitant in taking the vaccine. Insight into these factors was necessary to set the ball rolling, drive engagement and improve convenience to proceeding sessions.
https://fb.watch/7EhYa2IDDn/ – Effie Grant, Diversity & Inclusion Lead, Speaker and Ambassador.