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Play Bowls
October 1, 2022

Bowling at Middleton Park, which brought together residents of Middleton, a mixture of adults and children to flex their muscles to the sports! An afternoon of Bowling in the fresh air on a nice green lawn, there was nothing better than that. 

“It’s a game of friendship and it was nice playing with some of my friends and making new friends away from school” says Sakani. “I take a shot and watch my bowl roll off – I watched my bowl wins, and sometimes missed, but was fun.” What a great way to have fun, associate with friends and participate in active sports. 

Any form of exercise is good for your health, no matter how gentle it may be. And, if you are participating in a sport such as lawn bowls, it is the perfect way to have fun and be active outdoors. It also helps to improve your mental and physical health, boost your social life as it enables you to meet new friends, which contributes to all round happiness and well-being. Whether you are under ten or over eighty or taking up the sport for the first time, lawn bowls is a great game for people of all ages.