SpringAid in the Community! Communities coming together in a time of crisis – lessons for climate justice.
Putting people and communities at the heart of tackling climate change is important as it ensures that everyone is empowered to play their part in tackling the climate crisis. That’s why we’re working with individuals and organisations to identify and prioritise action areas, raise awareness of issues as well as sharing knowledge and expertise that is pertinent for our community.
Last night’s event, at the St Luke’s Cares Shop Dewsbury Road, offered an opportunity for us to educate and sensitise individuals and groups of the work we do, whilst sharing our knowledge and expertise on meaningful solutions to the climate crises. We discussed managing Household waste, energy efficiency, travelling green and much more. We also raised issues that our communities should be considering as part of our response, and shared some ideas and suggestions, as well as identified any particular expertise that partners can offer.
We’ll like to thank St Luke’s Cares, and everyone who gave their time to share their ideas and expertise and importantly to make connections with other individuals and groups. Together, we must look to the courage and compassion in our communities, and gather the skills we need to re-build a resilient and fair zero carbon world. We must make sure we are prepared and take bold action to build our resilience. The next decade will determine what kind of a world we create.