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Vaccine Hesitancy: Strengthening vaccine uptake amongst refugees and migrants communities – debunking the myths using a community engagement approach.
March 30, 2023

Widespread vaccination against COVID-19 is one of the most effective ways to control, and ideally, end the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the success of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is dependent on public acceptance and willingness to be vaccinated. Vaccine hesitancy has impacted uptake unequally across different groups, and are influenced by complex sociocultural, political, economic and psychological factors. 

To reduce COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy amongst refugees and migrant communities and debunking the myths about COVID vaccines, we engaged with communities in Beeston and Holbeck specifically MSOA Cross Flats Park area in debunking some of these myths and challenging facts surrounding vaccine acceptance and uptake. Community engagement is an integral strategy within our immunisation campaigns in reducing disease transmission and severity of outcomes and has been shown to improve vaccine acceptance.

A huge thanks goes to the following:

Cllr Abigail Marshall Katang – CLL Little London, Woodhouse & City Centre

Maeve Carroll – Community Champions Volition) – Co-ordinator

Kiran Patel – Leeds Long Covid Community Rehabilitation Service.

Mbangsi Chi – Director Micro-action Coalition