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We’re delighted to launch our “Leeds Together with the Windrush Generation project”, and to be an official sponsor in celebrations marking the 1st Annual Empowerment Experience event organised by ThatName WOMAN, at the Thorpe Park Hotel & Spa, Leeds on Saturday 14 October 2023.

The event was filled with Wellness Symposium, Award Presentations, Live Music/dance, networking and amongst others. As an organisation, the event was used in commemoration of events marking the 75th Anniversary Celebrations of the Windrush Generations and Black History Month this October – offering an opportunity for us to honour and celebrate the stories and achievements of the Windrush generation and their descendants, their impact on British life; whilst acknowledging the sacrifices they have made and the difficulties they faced and overcame; racism; colonialism and immigration....

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A sustainable development goals seminar

This seminar series hosted by SAID Sweden. It is a contribution to the achievement of the sustainable development Goals aimed at among others eliminating extreme poverty by 2030. This series will be held four times on the following topics: God, faith and money; Financial Responsibility, Financing for Development and Creating Wealth.

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SpringAid Consultancy International CIC has teamed up with @Knowledge4usbyus CIC, Humans of Leeds,

Angel of Youths and Leeds Beckett University Student Union to engage young people to create content that will inspire positive change. We have planned a week of FREE photography and filmmaking workshops where young people will gain the technical ability to use photographic and filming equipment while learning how to make a positive difference in their life, community and wider society. If you are or you know a young person who would benefit from this project, get in touch.Places are limited so early registration is advised.To register or for more information, please contact us on...

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