Ever thought of photography and Video Editing? Well, we’re offering FREE training workshops on professional Photography and Video Editing. The workshops are designed for the basic to intermediate camera / smart phone users simply looking to understand and get to grips with all the gadgets functionalities. We’ll also unlock your video editing potential. You’ll learn the ins and outs of leading softwares for video editing/production and take your content to the next level. Our expert instructors will teach you the essential tools and techniques, giving you the skills to create high-quality...
Leeds Climate Action!
As an organisation, we’re acutely attuned to the fact that climate change disproportionately affects those experiencing poverty. That’s why we’re working with communities to make them more resilient and ensure they can reduce, mitigate, and adapt to climate change through behavioural change methodologies. After a successful workshop last year, we were again invited by residents of East Leeds to give them useful information and advice on how to manage their carbon footprint at home and save money.
Keep Fit, Keep Healthy, Practice Sports!
Fun and fulfilling activities no matter what your level of skill. Young people taking active sessions in football at the Middleton Leisure Centre. We offer FREE indoor and outdoor physical activities that provides opportunities for all to take part in sports, physical activities and recreation. From football, basketball, tennis, bowling, badminton etc., we’ve got it all covered.
Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen...
Connecting Leeds Together Again! Confidence Building and Self-Esteem Workshop.
It’s not an overstatement to say the COVID-19 pandemic has brought huge changes to our lives. Not only have we lost loved ones and faced unprecedented challenges, the outbreak has taken our lives out of our hands – changing the way we work, socialise and go about our daily lives. Unsurprisingly, it has had a significant impact on our confidence and self-esteem too.
The COVID-19 shocked the pillars of our children’s lives. Faced with quarantine, school closures, and social distancing, many children were deprived of the everyday experiences that normally build their...
Protecting Our Climate for the Future through our “Together For Our Planet Programme”.
The impact of climate change is devastating especially for people in deprived areas, but ingenuity can help them adapt and thrive. Solving the global climate change crisis is going to rely on, in one way or another, changing human behaviour. As individuals, we each have a responsibility to change how we live on a day to day basis to reduce the further onset of dangerous climate change. We can all play our part together and then many small changes will multiply into a large contribution.
Our team of young volunteers were gathered at the Middleton Circus speaking with residents and...
Protecting Our Climate for the Future through our “Together For Our Planet Programme”.
The impact of climate change is devastating especially for people in deprived areas, but ingenuity can help them adapt and thrive. Solving the global climate change crisis is going to rely on, in one way or another, changing human behaviour. As individuals, we each have a responsibility to change how we live on a day to day basis to reduce the further onset of dangerous climate change. We can all play our part together and then many small changes will multiply into a large contribution.
Our team of young volunteers were gathered at the Middleton Circus speaking with residents and giving...
Protecting Our Climate for the Future – Together For Our Planet Programme
The Diverse Empowerment Network, the first of its kind brought together a coalition of individuals, organisations and private owned businesses across different sectors in Leeds at the Kentmere Community Centre, Seacroft. This event offered individuals, organisations and private owned businesses the opportunity to showcase their individual areas of work and also provided a medium to promote diversity and inclusion amongst ethnic minority communities.
SpringAid was well represented as we showcased our organisation and the various areas of our work. We provided great emphasis on our...
Protecting Our Climate for the Future through our “Together For Our Planet Programme”.
It was great to be in Middleton Arms where our armies of climate volunteers spoke to residents about the 3 ‘R’s – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. “Reduce is about cutting back on the amount of waste we make. Reuse is for finding a new way to use items so that we don’t have to throw them out. Recycle is using waste materials to make new products that can be sold again”. We have residents tips and handed flyers on how to greener and environmentally friendly.
The phrase Reduce, Reuse, Recycle or the three ‘R’s is often used when we talk about how to be more...
Protecting Our Climate for the Future – Together For Our Planet Programme:
Protecting Our Climate for the Future through our “Together For Our Planet Programme”. When you drive your car, buy a pair of sneakers or grill a steak, you contribute to the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The effects of human-caused global warming are happening now, and are irreversible on the timescale of people alive today, and will worsen in the decades to come.
Little changes to your lifestyle can help a lot in curbing carbon emissions and saving our planet. We help you offset your carbon footprint and combat climate change in the most...